User Groups

Public announcements, general Base information, and user management
Endor Base
Site Admin
Posts: 10
Joined: Wed Sep 22, 2021 4:37 pm

User Groups

Post by Endor Base »

The following is a list of User Roles on this forum and their capabilities. These may change/be updated as time goes by.

Super Administrators: Full access to all forums, topics, moderation, server and forum settings. There is only one Super Administrator account, Endor Base. This account is under the control of the Base Webmaster, BCO, and BXO.

Administrators: Full access to all forums, topics, moderation, and all non-server forum settings. There are two administrators: the BCO and BXO.

Global Moderators: Full access to all forums, topics, and moderation. Can warn/ban users, move/split/merge/edit/lock topics and posts for all users.

Moderators: Full access to certain forums, topics, and moderation. Can warn/ban users, move/split/merge/edit/lock topics and posts.

Endor Base Members: Access to most forums and topics. Can post, create polls, edit/delete their own posts. For members of Endor Base.

Friend of Endor: Access to all public forums/topics, and limited access to select member-only forums and topics. Can post, edit/delete their own posts. Cannot post polls. For members of the Rebel Legion who are NOT part of Endor Base.

Registered Users: Access to all public forums and topics. Can post, edit/delete their own posts. Cannot post polls.

Guest Users: Read-only access to public forums and topics. Cannot post. Cannot participate in polls.